List of used symbols and abbreviations of kaizen and lean
4F – Four Phase Problem Solving Technique
AP – Action Plan
A3 projekty - Seven-micrometer analysis of a large or chronic problem if we do not know or are not sure of the solution.
CF – Development of a cash company, including the forecast
FTE - The Full Time Equivalent (FTE) calculation is the number of scheduled employee hours divided by the employer's full-time weekly hours. When an employer has a 40-hour work week, employees scheduled to work 40 hours per week are 1.0 FTE. Employees to work 20 hours per week are 0.5 FTE.
GKW – Gemba Kaizen Workshop, Workshop directly at the workplace - optimization of the selected process by identifying and eliminating waste
QW- Quick wins, small projects with a small but quick benefit
Heinrichův zákon - 300 minor violations of standards usually lead to 29 near-incidents (for example, injuries) and then usually to one incident (complaints). The goal is zero tolerance for minor violations of the standard.
HMG - Hamonogram
Hoshin kanri - The method with which the team prepares goals for the next three years and in more detail for the next year
Kaizen – improvement by everyone, everywhere and permanently
JIT – Just In Time - a system leading to the minimization of inventories
Coaching - a way of educating the coachee in the form of questions, inspiration towards his development and strengthening his performance. Unlike mentoring, which gives instructions, the coachee looks for his own solution.
KPI – Key Performance Indikators
Culture of form – official linked to vision. The rules of desired behavior are usually defined as company values. And then informal culture is how employees actually behave, their habits.
Lean process – methodologies for achieving an efficient and competitive organization
Logo TCM – an image symbolizing the changes being made as a means of communicating what is happening and why to employees
LT – Lead time, the duration of the process including its interruption - rough time. The goal is to shorten this time
Mission – an important message to all employees
MOBE – monthly controlling report on the state of the company monitoring sales, value creation (CVH), i.e. performance and costs, profit before taxation, including the forecast for the next period
Muda – types of waste - 16 types in office processes
Muda means waste, futility, uselessness or also purposelessness. This is the most famous evil in production of the three mentioned. It is usually divided into seven types of waste.
- Transport
- Unnecessary movements
- Waiting
- Redundant processing
- Defects and repairs
- Stocks
- Overproduction
Mura means non-uniformity, unevenness, unevenness, irregularity, imbalance or lack of uniformity. This is any non-uniformity or irregularity. And even though it is often associated primarily with material flow, it is a problem in many other cases outside of material flow as well. Below is a list of examples of when we can encounter mura and when it can cause problems.
- Uneven customer demand
- Stock fluctuations – too much to too little
- Uneven production rate or change in production volumes
- Irregularities in the quality of good pieces
- Irregular work rhythm
- Uneven distribution of workload
Muri means overloading of resources, inadequacy, impossibility, exaggeration, beyond one's strength, excessive difficulty. Muri is any strain and doing anything that is too difficult. Of course, the main focus here is on people. However, Muri can also apply to materials, machines and organizations.
- Work taking too long
- Lifting heavy objects
- Improper posture or insufficient ergonomics
- Noise
- Too demanding tasks
- Tasks that are too easy (may be boring or mentally tiring)
- Excessive stress
- Anything that leads to burnout, exhaustion or repetitive injury
- Lack of training
- Humiliation (maybe excessive praise)
Muda list – a table where the team leader records revealed waste by employees
Obeya – or War room, Escalation room. The top management room where all important data on the daily fulfillment of company or company indicators are concentrated and problems that are not within the competence of the lower level SFM are escalated and resolved.
PDCA – Plan, Do, Check, Act. Used in troubleshooting when the cause is known
PSS – Problem Solving Story, Problem Solving Method
Problem list – a board where deviations from the fulfillment of indicators and problems of employees are written and solved
Rutiny – A regular daily activity and recording deviations (I do something else). They should be regularly discussed with the superior and implemented to eliminate deviations
OEE – Overall Equipment Efficiency, Efficiency of machines and equipment, employees. The time when the machine or the employee performs in relation to the total working time is monitored
Sales meeting – a monthly meeting of the store evaluating, in particular, the fact and forecast of orders and sales. It is followed by MOBE, which brings the most important inputs.
SDCA – Standardize, Do, Check, Act
SFM – Shop Floor Management – regular operative standing standing meetings for monitoring selected indicators and for improvement
SMED – Single Minute Exchange of Die, A method of minimizing waste when changing a tool or rebuilding production equipment or perhaps changing a client component
Standard – a description of the activities of the selected repeated process and its time calculation, which is binding for the participants performing the process or its parts. The norm is the resulting duration of the process according to which the performance is monitored. The standard is to be regularly evaluated and optimized by eliminating waste.
SWOT – Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
TCM – Total Change Management, Comprehensive change management. The accompanying phenomenon is initially chaos, open and hidden resistance. The solution is open communication about why, experiences in the form of workshops, involvement, persistence, support and the example of managers.
TFM – Total FLow Management
TPM – Total Productive Maintenance
TQM – Total Quality Management, Comprehensive quality management
TSM – Total Service Management, Management in services and administration
VAT – Value Added Time
VSM – Value Stream Mapping, Mapování toku hodnoty
WSH – workshop, i.e. group solution of a problem with topic, data, goals, conclusion, moderator, use of lean methodologies